Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dec 29 - surgery in 10 days

Today was the date first given to us for Dan's surgery, but the reality is that the surgery was changed to January 8th. It is a big and long (8 hours) undertaking which involves removing a portion of several organs and challenging the liver to regenerate in order to remove an additional portion of it in 6 weeks after the first surgery. Wow! That is a great deal to recover from. Dan needs all your prayers for a smooth and speedy recovery. The hope is that he will emerge from all this with a complete cure which will make all this definitely worthwhile. We appreciate your faithfulness to present these requests before the throne of God in our time of need.
Here is a link to Dan and Ashley's blog:

Philippians 4:6-8
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Dec 21

monday, december 21, 2009

Dan and Ashley's blog says it all; please pray, pray, pray:

So, about 2 weeks ago, Dan's oncologist called and said that she presented his case to the Stanford Tumor Board (surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, etc). Rather than wanting to do Cyberknife, the Board felt that now is a "window of opportunity" to remove all of the cancer.
That is good news in that there is a possibility of a cure! However, "removing" means surgery.

Dan and I just met with the surgical oncologist and the plans have been made for Dan to have a Whipple procedure on January 8th. Basically, that involves removing the head of the pancreas, the gallbladder, some of the stomach and some of the stomach then reattaching passageways for enzymes, bile and food. Along with the Whipple, the surgeon also wants to resect the cancer on his tumor. Some of the tumors will be removed in this surgery and the rest will be removed 6 weeks later in a separate surgery.

This surgery carries with it many risks and is accompanied by complications in 50% of patients. Fortunately, Dan is young, healthy and resilient--a combination that usually makes recovery a bit easier. Dan will be in the hospital for around 10 days and then will need to lay low for a while.

At this point, we are trying to enjoy our time with family and friends. It's a blessing to be able to spend the holidays with everyone.

Please be in prayer that this surgery is the right thing to do and that it will be successful.
There are several scenarios in which the surgery would be cancelled: tumors "hiding" from the CT scans, more severe disease in the liver, etc. Pray against these complications.
Pray that the recovery period is free of complications and fairly quick.
Pray that Dan would be able to finish his teaching credential by next year and that I would be able to graduate on time.
Finally, pray that God brings us peace in this situation.
Pray for wisdom as we decide when to return to Southern California.

I will be updating this blog often during and after the surgery.
Stay tuned.
Posted by Dan and Ashley