Friday, November 19, 2010


Latest update: Dan's hip surgery is not happening until next summer due to the doctor's scheduling difficulties and so he and Ashley decided to go ahead and finish the radio frequency ablation treatment needed. His appointment for this is Nov 29, the Monday after Thanksgiving. This should be the LAST treatment he needs to deal with his cancer. After this he will have follow up CAT scans every 6 months! Yeah!
However, this morning I awoke to an email that Dan has been fighting a fever all week and last night it was up to 101.4. So Dan and Ashley headed to the doctor today, got some antibiotics, Dan gave blood for labs and hopefully he will be okay for next Monday's event!
Having been asked to share today about thankfulness in light of what our family has been through the last several years, I considered it a privilege to recount the faithfulness of the Lord in my sister's survival and recovery, and in Dan's epic journey. We have seen MIRACLES left and right and the faithfulness of the LORD God almost every day through all the trials.
Truly, I can repeat the admonition to:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

And how is that possible? Personally I have been able to do that by the sure knowledge that the Lord Jesus, Messiah of Israel, my Savior, intercedes for us, loves us with His incredible love, and graces us with His Presence. He empowers me by giving me His Holy Spirit to indwell my life and to give me the ability to walk with Him moment by moment.
I am in awe of all that He has done for us. I ended my sharing with these words:

I am thankful for the Lord’s love and presence in my life. I have been through some hard things but I know whatever trials I have the Lord will see me through. He is with me always. Do I like the trials - not really, but I know he uses them for my growth and for others' growth and for His glory. I am content to be a pot in His hand. I am thankful to be a pot in His hand. I am thankful to be in His hand.

In closing, Dan starts school again January 3, 2011. Pray with me that his health and strength will be sufficient for the procedure Nov 29 and for school and for whatever the Lord has in his amazing life.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I am humbled by so many of you who share with me that you continue to hold Dan up in your prayers. Bless you, dear ones.