Tuesday, July 31, 2007

cortisol is normal!

Dear ones, we got a fantastic report today that Dan's cortisol level is normal! it was at 10,000 and now it is 6! Thank you Lord! We attribute this to combined efforts of prayer and drugs ( and we thank the Lord for the wisdom of the doctors and drug companies for producing drugs to combat these adverse situations) Dan's energy and strength are not great but his body is dealing with the effects of the chemo. Tonight he looks brighter and more energetic than this morning. Mornings are hard for him. Mornings are good for me because I go to the Word and get encouraged. This morning these verses from Psalm 62 lifted my heart:
My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.

ashley's summer school "journal"

Summer School
Current mood: hopeful

I can hardly believe that it is almost August. Just a few weeks and school will be beginning again. Though I've been excited about nursing school from the moment I held that acceptance letter in my hand, I must admit I haven't thought a whole lot about it this summer. I'm ready, don't get me wrong, and thrilled to wear that white uniform and learn how to nurse people back to health. It will be a joy to be educated by professors who love nursing and love Christ even more. I'm even looking forward to early morning clinicals. Yet, I have realized that "nursing school" has already begun for me this summer...

I have learned how to take blood pressure manually, and that taking a patient's blood pressure while they watch a baseball player hit a grand slam can provide inaccurate results.

I have learned the importance of precision while putting in an IV and the importance of making sure said IV does not leak cytotoxic chemicals onto the patient's arm.

I have learned that a nurse must step up as a liaison between patient and doctor.

I have learned that, sometimes, moms know better.

I have learned that things as simple as walking to the bathroom can be more difficult than running a marathon.

I have learned that a bit of laughter can do far more than a dose of morphine.

I have learned that a patient is a person not a disease.

I have learned that modesty is honorable but not always possible while in a hospital setting.

I have learned that sleep is a precious commodity that should be treasured when it comes, and that it doesn't always come at night time.

I have learned that "sleeping in" and "getting up early" are purely relative terms.

I have learned the importance of responding to a beeping call light promptly, for if not answered, the call light will be accompanied by agitated loved ones.

I have learned that speaking clearly and never making assumptions are crucial to communicating with a patient.

I have learned that no amount of schooling, reading or education can completely prepare one for caring for a patient.

I have learned that there is no better way to calm nerves than to pray without ceasing.

As you could imagine, I would rather have not had to learn these things through Dan having cancer and being hospitalized several times. I'm sure he would rather me have learned through a different avenue as well. Yet, it would be foolish of me to not take these lessons and tuck them away in my heart and brain. God willing, Dan will triumph in this battle with cancer and cease to be a "patient" of mine. However, all these things I have discovered through accompanying him this summer will someday help me as a nurse. Just another hidden blessing, I suppose.

Speaking of hidden blessings, just this evening I stumbled upon the fact that I have become increasingly easy to amaze and delight. Case in point, Dan and I went for a drive around Lodi tonight. Nothing crazy or extravagant, except...Dan drove! As common and normal as this sounds, sitting in the passenger seat as he drove leaves me smiling even now. I can hardly wait to see what ordinarily ordinary even leaves me giddy tomorrow!

Please continue to pray for Dan and for the most recent chemo treatment to work. Pray that the chemo side effects will remain mild to non-existent. Pray that doors would open for him to return to Biola this fall to continue on his education and be back around his friends. Pray for healing--total and complete restoration of health. His doctor has already remarked that the cancer is responding largely to the chemo...let's just pray that that continues.
Pray that God would be glorified through all of our actions, words and thoughts through this battle.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday night

Hello my friends, brothers and sisters, family far and wide,
Yesterday and today are looking up. Dan is feeling better. He is still pretty tired and feeling wiped out but he is eating and drinking well. We are praising the Lord for every baby step forward. This morning I was reading Isaiah 60 and 61 and was so blessed by these verses which Jesus quoted of Himself:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor

The Lord certainly has been healing my broken heart and I pray that he will touch yours as well at your point of need.
Much love & His Shalom

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sat eve

Today was a slow easy day, although Dan has been having diarrhea since chemo yesterday. The dr. has been informed and we are watching it. Would appreciate your prayers that this would not develop into dehydration or that his temp. would not rise above 100.4 F (38 Celsius) . We would like to have a nice quiet Sunday. We all got naps today which were much needed.
The scoop on yesterday's delay: the lab failed to draw all the ordered labs when he went there at 9. So labs were drawn at 12 and the chemo process started around 3. It takes about 5 hours including the set up time and pre-chemo drugs. You can be sure we will be more vigilant next time:) We do praise the LORD for the smile on the drs face yesterday as she examined Dan and also learned of the PET scan results. We do praise the LORD for the healing taking place.
God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good.
I hope you too are giving Him the praise due His Holy Name.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday evening

Love the fact that I can be at a computer at Stanford and let you know about our day. It did not go as planned:) Oh well. Life has a way of doing that. Dan is getting his chemo as I write and we should be leaving around 8:00pm. I will leave the whole story until later. The dr. was very pleased with her exam showing a shrinkage of the tumors along with the info from the PET scan done Wednesday. Also his urine cortisol has come down from 10,000 to about 2,000. (Normal is 45) So we are on the right track. Dan is getting the FULL dose of chemo, so the next week may be a little different than before. Please pray that the side effects will be minimal. He is such a trooper it is unbelievable. Good news on his back spasms too - they have diminished. He does have a new right "rib" pain which may be several things. Need to go back upstairs. Oh, and I got a nap in the car this afternoon so my strength is renewed. Thanks for all your prayers for today. We feel so supported by you all. Many blessings back to you from our gracious Lord Jesus.

Friday morn

We are in Sunnyvale having spent the night at our friends home. What a blessing to be here and not 3 hours away in Lodi. Please pray for our day, especially Dan's chemo at 11. I did not sleep very well last night so I could use your prayers for strength. Ashley can always drive home if needed. Please pray that everything would happen timely and we could leave the area before 4, otherwise we will stay until 7 and probably arrive home the same time if we left after 4. Even 4 is a bit iffy for Friday traffic. May the LORD bless you today and speak His love to your hearts. Thank you for all you are doing for our family.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday July 25

A good day - Dan is feeling better today.Thank You LORD! He is still having back spasms and had some weird pains in his achilles tendon at 4 am this morning but they are gone and the back spasms seem to be decreasing. Mornings are the hardest. He had a PET scan today which showed some good changes - more good liver tissue, but still has many tumors which apparently are confined to the liver and pancreas. He and Ashley went to the movies today and had a good time. Tonight a group of pastors and elders from our church came over and anointed Dan with oil and prayed for him. A friend emailed me that the Lord called her to an "all night of prayer" for Dan. I am so amazed and very blessed that so many of you have been called to pray for Dan. I do know the LORD our God is accomplishing His purpose in Dan's life, and in the lives of many others. May we all, in the midst of our hectic lives, take the time and introspection to consider God's purposes for us. My prayer is that I would walk and talk and think God's way as exemplified by His Son, Jesus our Messiah.
Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Whatever sufferings we have to endure in this life, God's glory awaits us and will even be revealed now as we die to self and are alive to Him. Pastor shared Psalm 16 with us tonight and it seems fitting I should share it with you all:
Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.
I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”
As for the saints who are in the land,
they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.
The sorrows of those will increase
who run after other gods.
I will not pour out their libations of blood
or take up their names on my lips.
Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday afternoon

We are home from Stanford and the appt. went well. Dan is still having spasms but he seems to be better today than yesterday. I am updating my email lists. Let me know if you want to be added or deleted at: rjhowen@sbcglobal.net
I am also attaching Ashley's myspace blog which made me cry and touched my heart deeply. i think the dr. we saw today for the first time is going to serve Dan well. He has ordered additional tests and stains on his tissue. His potassium continues to be normal and his liver functions are normal as well. We head back to Stanford Thursday night for an early appointment Friday and chemo #2. Thank you again and again for your love and prayers.
Here is Ashley's blog:

Little Reminders
Current mood: hopeful

Sometimes, as of late, I find myself wishing I could rewind time and be back a few months. Go to a friend's wedding again, enjoy the end of the semester again, go to Yosemite again, have Dan be healthy again. As impossible as that is, my mind still wanders there.

By now, I should have been somewhere in Israel with my family. Yet, I just couldn't imagine smiling for a camera by ancient ruins while Dan was battling cancer and chemo here at home. Honestly, I'm not a bit disappointed about not going. Though, there are times when I desperately wish things could be different.

Take this week for example. I went home for a few days to spend time with my family and sleep in my own bed. My parents spoiled me while I was home, like they were trying to catch up for not being around me as much. It was great to be home, and everything seemed fine on the Howen front. Sometimes, it even felt like things were normal. Then Wednesday rolled around and it was time to go back to Lodi. By Thursday evening, Dan was back in the hospital. His potassium was dangerously low, and he needed IV K to bring the levels back up. What was supposed to be an overnight thing turned into 3 days at Lodi Memorial. These 3 days ended up testing me far more than I could imagine. Don't get me wrong, I have it easy: I sleep in another hospital bed and keep Dan company; whereas Dan is getting poked and tested every couple hours. Additionally, his already sore back got much worse while in the hospital. At one point, he couldn't even roll over or get up. I dealt just fine with the severe lack of sleep, but what got to me was my lack of control and fear.

Due to high cortisol, frustration, exhaustion and some pain killers, Dan's mood isn't always as sweet and kindly as normal. Even though I knew all of this logically, it was still hard to hold back my own emotions as the man I love acted like someone else. Eventually, some arguments between he and I (and maybe some other family members and I) pushed me to the breaking point. Why wasn't Dan trying to move more? Why was he content with just laying there? Why were the meds not helping? Why was he not being allowed to make decisions as the adult he is? Why is it always talked about as "our fight" when Dan is the one with cancer? Etc...
After lots of tears (anger, fear, sadness, yada yada) and some much needed communication, a peace and calm settled in my heart. God reminded me quite boldly that I am NOT in control and that fear will only make things more difficult. By the next morning, things were completely different. Dan's spirits were high, even cheerful. Arguments were non-existent. Dan got up and started walking around. His potassium levels came to normal. He got to go home! All of these small victories added up to a major reminder of how good God is.

Since we've all been home, things are going a bit better...

Dan is still really frustrated about his back for he has many spasms and can't move as well as he's like. Yet, in moments where he feels weak, I get to talk to him until he feels confident enough to stand up or walk around. He has shown me more courage and humility than I have ever seen. Even as he trembles, he still smiles that smile that makes everything seem okay again. He's not afraid to ask for help and is teaching me that leaning on others is a necessity in life.
His potassium is still a tad lower than the docs would like, so Dan gets to drink this awful fluid that his mama mixes with some awful carrot juice ("so much potassium in this!"). He never complains about drinking it.
Starting yesterday, Dan's hair started falling out very slowly. As a pre-emptive strike, he had me shave it all off tonight (Even the sideburns!). He just rubbed his head and smiled again.
Perhaps the most astounding thing to me, is how Dan is handling the situation. Though it would be pleasant, he is not always is good spirits. He has bad moods and sometimes, gets an attitude. But come on, who doesn't have bad days? He's battling cancer and a back that fails to cooperate...he's allowed bad days. Yet, he doesn't have many. Instead, he pushes through without whining. In fact, rather than embrace the coddling, he seeks after God and asks Him to show Dan where he is weak. I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I honestly asked God what I needed to work on. He may not always be cheery and bouncy, but Dan is steadfast is learning to become more like Christ through these trials of his. I cannot be more proud of him, and I cannot be more humbled.

I suppose God has reminded me of something else this week: Dan Howen is among the greatest of gifts God has given me. He is my best friend and my love, and I am honored that he lets me help him through all this. I never cease to be amazed by this man of God.

Though this was a rather long-winded update (who am I kidding? I always talk a lot), I would encourage you to stop for a moment and talk to God. What are your weaknesses? When you discover your weak points and hand them to the Lord, you will be amazed to find that these are the exact places that God steps in to be your strength.
Continue to pray for Dan; for his healing, for his spirits, for his growth. Pray for his family that they would trust the doctors and seek after peace. Pray for me that I would continue to cling to God throughout everything.

God is good. All the time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

off to stanford

tomorrow we are heading out early
6:30 a.m. for a lab draw at 9:30 and an appt at 10:00
pray for Dan as his back is still bothering him and a long drive in traffic does not sound fun for anyone, most of all him
I know so many of you are being faithful to pray and my heart is full of thanks
i know the LORD is sustaining us and holding our hands as we journey through these rough waters
blessings to you all

the week ahead

dear ones, I am greatly encouraged by your comments and Dan is too. Some of you have made comments and I do not know your email address. Could you please email me at rjhowen@sbcglobal.net
We have 2 appointments at Stanford this week, Tuesday and Friday. Dan's back is still spasming, sometimes when he walks sometimes with the slightest movement. He is handling it so well. God is pouring out great grace upon him in his attitude in the midst of these severe hormonal and chemical imbalances. Continue your prayer for him to withstand the journeys back and forth to Stanford and for the wisdom for the doctors caring for him. Round 2 of chemo on Friday. Every day our army of prayer warriors increases. Thank you all. I heard several messages today about the Truth of the Word of God. It is vitally important for us to know the truth of God's Word, to believe it and to live it. He is our Rock. He reveals Himself in His Word. He is our strong tower, our fortress, our deliverer. In Him will we trust.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dan's words today - please pray

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Oh my back - an update
Category: Life

It's ironic, really. The first round of chemotherapy is almost complete, and I've taken it rather well. Not much nausea, sickliness, or anything like that. Inside, I feel great. However, I'm really frustrated right now with my state of being, probably the most I've ever been.
It's because of my back.
I'll spare the details of how it all happened, but to make a long story short, my back had been tweaked slowly but surely, and last thursday (July 12th), I had a bad back spasm. Now, I am extremely immobile. I can barely bend my back. Getting out of bed requires very slow and careful movements, and is the most difficult part of my day. Sitting down and getting up from most chairs is an challenge. Dressing myself is extremely complicated; I have to do it sitting down.
I just back from the hospital yesterday because my potassium levels were really low, which my doctor thinks could have caused the initial back spasms. He was right, and my dad was saying that it was actually a good thing we caught that, or else it could have affected my heart. A blessing in disguise. A very elaborate disguise. My back was bad before, but now it is much worse. Eventually, I will be able to function normally, but it will take time and a lot of work.

Right now, I am the weakest I've ever been. My muscles have atrophied severely and my back condition makes me extremely dependant on my family and Ashley (who have been extremely helpful throughout all this, and I can't thank them enough for their help).
I have been humbled by this time. I've realized that while I am physically weak, I am also weak in other ways; I am timid, I am weak-willed, and I am lazy. Obviously, I will try to right those, but I do have to work on it. But not alone.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
"To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

James 1:2-4
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Do I enjoy being nearly helpless physically? No! I hate living like I do now. It's bad enough to need someone to make sure I can get up and down off the toilet, but when you add on an enigmatic form of rare cancer that requires doctor appointments and hospital stays, it's horrible. Yet I rejoice, because God's power is made perfect in weakness. When I am weak, I am strong. I am becoming mature and complete, not lacking anything.

For my cancer and my back, pray for a good recovery. What I mean by 'good recovery' is this: I want to be free from these trials as soon as possible, but at the same time, I want God's power and glory to be fully manifested through this trial.

On a lighter note, my hair has started to fall out, which is kinda annoying. I'll probably just shave myself and get it overwith instead of shedding all over the place like a dog.

Oh, and other good news: I got an internship reading scripts and doing coverage on them via email. Unfortunately, most of the scripts are really bad, so I'm not learning much about writing, and I don't know if I can log enough hours to get school credit for it. But at least it's something to do.

I'll send you more updates as they come, remember to pray, God is good, I love you guys,

Saturday, July 21, 2007

home sweet home

we got home tonight about 8:30. Dan is doing well. We are so thankful he is home. thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. lodi memorial hospital ROCKS! thank you to everyone there who helped us over the last 3 days. we love you and appreciate you mucho.

a new day

Dan is still in the hospital as I write, but his last blood draw showed a potassium of 4.0. We are so pleased! There is a possibility we can get him home tonight if it reaches 5.0 and he is strong enough. He did get up and walk a bit and PT will come and work with him today also. I am giving THANKS to you Lord Jesus! I was reading Matthew 14 today and was encouraged by the power of Jesus to heal people and to control nature (walking on water). The disciples in the boat worshipped Him and declared:
"Truly you are the Son of God" (v. 33).
May the LORD our God help us to keep our eyes on Him and walk on the water with Him.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday July 20

Dan is STILL in the hospital tonight trying to boost up his potassium. his level now is at 3.1 and we need to get it to at least 4. He is getting IV and oral potassium supplements. He is weak and still having back spasms also. All his other lab values continue to look very good. I will bless the LORD at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. The LORD is good and His mercy endures forever. I have been blessed by the Word of God today. The LORD is my strength and I plead with you who do not yet know Him: Salvation is found in no one else besides Jesus, for there is no other Name given to man by which we must be saved. Jesus said I am the way , the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. Dan's desire is to be used by the LORD, to glorify God in his life. Take some time to speak with God and ask for forgiveness through the sacrifice of His perfect Son, Yeshua (Jesus), our Messiah, our Deliverer, our Rock. He loves you. He loves Dan. He is calling to us.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dan is in the hospital tonight- 7.19.07

Again? yeah. We saw a new local primary care doc to establish care for any local emergencies (his peds doc thought he was just a wee bit old for a pediatrician) and he ordered some labs because his back spasms were continuing to be a problem. His potassium level turned out to be pretty low and he needed some IV potassium. So he is at Lodi Memorial getting just that. Good news is that all his other lab values were NORMAL and that is a first! Even his liver enzymes! Thank you Lord! We are getting great care and attention at the hospital and he should be home tomorrow morning some time. He has his own private duty nurse (Ashley) and I am home blogging and heading for bed. The night supervisor at the hospital is a nurse I have not met face to face before and it turns out that her daughter used to babysit my kids! Small world. Thank you Lord. Blessings abound every day in the midst of all these situations.
God is speaking to me, I AM your provider: YHVH Yireh and El Roi: the God who sees.
May the chorus of prayers for Dan and praise for the LORD God be a delightful anthem in heaven.
thank you thank you thank you
I know we are being carried by your love and His grace.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday July 18

No news from Sloan or Stanford yet. I am thinking with all the searching done by Bob, myself and other medical friends that we are on the right course of treatment and we are in a waiting time. Tonight we celebrated a friend's birthday and played a game together and it was fun. Laughter, love and good friends. I am recording my "God Sightings" which consists of times that God brought people into my path, just the right person at just the right time. Had one today. I emailed a friend who works at Biola to ask for guidance about who I would speak to about registration issues for Dan. She emailed back that not only that info, but that she does not work there anymore, but lives 10 minutes from Stanford and has a bedroom and bathroom that we can use at anytime. A bit later, I casually shared this with another friend who said she had been praying specifically for this need and she was so blessed that the Lord guided her to pray for this and allowed her to hear of His answer. Is not our LORD God so good! So when you pray, ask God to guide your prayers. Thank you for your dedication to pray for my wonderful son, Dan the man.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday the 16th

Tomorrow Dan's case will come before 2 Tumor Boards, one at Stanford and one at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York. The Lord has used many along the way and I thank them for their help. I have been surfing the net to learn more about the particular kind of cancer in Dan's body and it is a very rare form of a very rare neuroendocrine tumor. Not a lot of info out there. Keep up the prayers and thank you so much for them. I appreciate all the warriors battling on Dan's behalf. I do not know the future except I have read the end of the Book and it will ALL be good on that glorious Day. Meanwhile I am praying for a harvest of souls to be gathered in this present storm and to be found faithful and trusting of our Almighty LORD God, King of the Universe. He is good and He does all things very well.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Light in 'The Hall'

Every day I hear more and more people sharing how Dan's testimony has touched their lives and how they have shared it with others around them. Today I read Dan's blog from June 28 to a group of incarcerated young men in Juvenile Hall. Five of them gave their lives to Jesus and at least one other boy on another unit did also. We rejoice for those young men and I know many others were seriously thinking about what I shared: that although we are all condemned sinners, the gift of eternal life comes through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, who is the Messiah, the Son of God; God in the flesh. Through Him, we can have a relationship with the God of the universe, and without Him, we are lost in our sins. Please consider your need for forgiveness so that you can have an eternal relationship with God.
Thanks for all your love and prayers for Dan.

Sunday July 15

Hello dear friends and family, we are holding our own and God is holding us in the palm of His hand. Dan's back is still bothering him and he is moving a bit slower. He still has a good appetite although his tasting ability has undergone change. Best of all, his attitude and spirits are amazing. He is an incredible young man. We do not have any appointments this coming week (so far) at Stanford, so we plan to have a quiet week since Dan needs to keep away from potential infections. He does have one appointment with a local primary care physician that will be taking over his local care from his pediatrician. (Dan has not needed a doctor since he was about 10) His scan done last week was negative which means ...? Not sure. Dan's case continues to be a baffling one and I do ask for prayer for all the doctors to be fervently seeking answers to the enigma of Dan. We are glad we have some chemo on board, but it would be great to have a true handle on this strange circumstance. Thank you for your continuing prayers. The number of prayer warriors is ever growing. We are truly grateful.

Friday, July 13, 2007

a prayer from a sister in Africa

a dear friend sent this to me and she received it form a good friend of hers:
I asked my good friend in Kenya to pray for Dan too. Her name is Faiza, and she lives in such dyer straits over there, very sick herself, but loves the Lord with all her heart, and soley depends on Him for her very next breath. She is a true prayer warrior too, and sent this prayer for Dan. Please pass this on to Dan & his family. I know the Lord loves Faiza very much & hears her prayers to Him. She spends much of her time & energy caring for the orphaned children in Kenya who have no where else to live. It is a real blessing to have her praying for our family, and now for Dan's healing too.
Love you,

father, lord, our desire

i come to u this afternoon praising and thanking you
i come glorifying you, lifting you up becos you are
truly you are worthy all praises , glory and honour
i come again humbling, lowly and in aweof your
awesome splendor
you are our master, ruler, lord and father
your majesty extends throughout time and space

you are our rock , our fortress our doctor and our
strong tower
in you is our help

i come to at your feet just as i am, though not worth
father i beg for your mercy and mercy for all my

i bring with me dan , lord
though, not feeling ok , i do beg u in JESUS NAME
to quicken him and heal him lord
your are our lord
and master, all is possible before thee lord
please father give him total healing so that
everyone will know u are lord and infinity jehovah

father , may he and every one around him stand when
the world is sitting, stand out when the world is
and be the standard for u to use when the world is
out standing
so that your glory can shine in every corner of this
world lord
father, we didn't have strength, u gave u strength
we dint want to see another day, u did stretch
another beautifull day before us
you are Lord

purge us from everything that hinders usyour glory
from being present in our lives
purge is from disease,, anxiety, dead works that we
may serve u ooh JEHOVAH LORD

I thank you becos u have heard our prayers
thank for healing dan
thank you for svaing him lord
i thank and praise you for the work you have yet to
complete in our lives
i know you will complete it father
let that be enough to suffice us , give us strength

and fuel we need to accomplish your purposes
bless all my friends and family

u are our redeemer, provider compassionate, gracious
and reason we live


Octreotide Scan complete

An Octreotide scan examines how several of your internal organs are working.
It is often used to detect certain types of cancer arising from the neuro-endocrine systems.
Just thought you might want to know.........
We are home and Dan is entering the phase of needing to be extra careful in not being exposed to anyone who is ill. His immune system is decreased due to the chemo, so for the next 10 days we will be laying low as far as going out to crowded places. Please pray that Dan will not get any illness during this time. It will mean an immediate trip to the local hospital and heavy duty antibiotics. Also,his lower back went into a spasm yesterday. Not related to anything else I presume, but painful nonetheless. thank you for all the encouraging comments on the blog and cards in our mail. It is so helpful to know that many of you are praying for Dan and supporting us all through this difficult time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 11

Today we went to Stanford and Dan had labs drawn (which were somewhat better) and Day 1 of the octreotide scan. We go back tomorrow for Day 2 and might need to stay overnight for another scan. Dan seemed to be doing better today with the nausea. It is a long haul and we definitely need the Lord to give us strength and His Shalom, His perfect peace. He is LORD Almighty, King of the universe. We bow down.

quick note

Dan had some nausea today. I guess that means the chemicals are doing their work . We go to Stanford in the morning (Wed.) for a scan. He will have to go back Thursday and Friday too. Please hold us up in your prayer time and thanks you so much for your faihtfulness to pray. Blessings to you form our Mighty LORD God

Monday, July 9, 2007

no news is good news

it has been a quiet 2 days here at the Howen home. Nothing to report. Dan is feeling tired but no adverse symptoms from the chemo or otherwise. We praise the LORD for that. Keep praying for the chemicals to kill those rogue cancer cells. Also pray for Dan's bilirubin to come down so the doctor can increase the oral chemotherapy he is taking right now. We see her on Friday to assess that possibility. Thank you for all your love and all your prayers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

mom's sunday musings

What a week. We started I out with our doctor calling Monday morning: “Yes, I do want Dan to have the stent” (a hollow plastic tube) inserted into his hepatic duct to help bring down his bilirubin level before chemotherapy would start. So we are off to Stanford at 10:00 am with the procedure set in the afternoon. Dan spends the night in the hospital and with the morning labs not much different, is told to go home and wait until Thursday for chemo to start. We are now at Thursday, but before Thursday rolls around Wednesday happened and 24 hours of bloody diarrhea, loss of significant blood and potassium, a night at our local hospital, another drive to Stanford, labs drawn, a visit with a couple of docs, endoscopy (checking out the stomach and the stent to see if there is an active bleeding site – NO things look great inside, except you can see a tumor pressing into his stomach), now he gets 4 units of blood and FINALLY we start the chemo on Friday. No wait, Friday’s labs are not good enough. Let’s wait until Saturday. Friday is day 18 of this epic drama. Saturday, day 19, is the first day we are actually fighting this monster with chemicals. We certainly have been laying the groundwork with prayer. Mighty prayer, many prayers, continual prayers. A big “Thank You” from the Momma Bear. There are moments of peace and rest and there are moments of terror and dread. I am learning much from my son. He is not perfect, he told me, and I know that, but he is an amazing example to me of grace and humility, of courage and trust, the likes of which I have never encountered. And even though I am “the mom”, older and “supposedly wiser”, this old mom is learning new depths of submission and trust and, I hope, humility. The LORD has been speaking to me about my pride, my illusion that I am in control of anything besides my attitude (which is not always the best), my core beliefs of trust and submission to God Almighty, and His perspective (My ways are not your ways) among other things. I pray I will be teachable.

We are home and it is wonderful

We got home at midnight after Dan finished his first round of chemo. Everything went very well. We are so thankful for all your prayer support and love. The following is a blog Dan wrote this morning:
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Well, its finally official
Current mood: good
Category: Life

I am now officially a cancer patient. The chemo was administered yesterday (7-7-07), and I am at home. Praise the Lord.

So, the chemo was originally planned for Thursday (as of previous blog/note), but there were some bleeding complications in my GI tract, and they wanted to make sure it wasn't going to keep bleeding. So I was admitted to Stanford for tests and more tests. As you can tell, that's all done now, and the treatment was finally administered. But boy, do I not like being in the hospital. One day (I kinda lost track of them; I think it might have been Thursday) I was ridiculously tired with lack of sleep (tests,vital sign checks in the middle of the night), and they had me on clear liquid diet (so they're not really feeding me), and I was supposedly losing blood on top of that... so I was like a zombie.

But anyway, after lots of waiting (and you come to realize that everybody waits in hospitals- it's not like I'm the only one in there), I'm out of there, and hopefully won't need to go back until round 2 of chemo. Right now, I feel alright, but soon I will enter into the 'low stage' of the chemo, when my blood counts go down, I feel sicker, and stuff like that. That's when the cancer cells do the most dying. After that, I'll start feeling better, and then go back for another round. So that's how that works.

God is still good. His hand has been on me throughout this whole time, even during sucky hospital stays and unanticipated complications. Pray for effectiveness of the chemo, pray for good attitudes for my family and I as we adjust to this time in our lives, and pray that the lives of others that have been and will be affected through this for the glory of God.

May the peace of God that transcends all understanding be with you,

Saturday, July 7, 2007

2 in one day post: we are awaiting the chemo to be made; they had to lower the dose due to Dan's elevated bilirubin. But we are still scheduled to begin today and go home tonight. The infusions will take about 4 hours total. Pray for no allergic reactions to the chemo and for Dan to tolerate them and for the cancer cells to not tolerate them. love to you all
(Still not letting me title the post) TODAY IS 7-7-07. Seven is the number of perfection in the Bible and we are praying for the LORD God's perfect will to be done in Dan's body. Chemo is being started today. We are advancing the fight into the chemical arena. Pray for no infections and for his RBC count to hang in there. Dan is eating and slept well and looks better today than he has in several days. Thank you LORD for your mercy which is new every morning. Pray for all of us: Dr/Dad, RN/mom, sister Jessica, RN student/girlfriend Ashley to take the best care of our son/bro/bf, Dan the Man. Keep flooding the prayer waves. We love you. Blessings to all of you.
(Still not letting me title the post) TODAY IS 7-7-07. Seven is the number of perfection in the Bible and we are praying for the LORD God's perfect will to be done in Dan's body. Chemo is being started today. We are advancing the fight into the chemical arena. Pray for no infections and for his RBC count to hang in there. Dan is eating and slept well and looks better today than he has in several days. Thank you LORD for your mercy which is new every morning. Pray for all of us: Dr/Dad, RN/mom, sister Jessica, RN student/girlfriend Ashley to take the best care of our son/bro/bf, Dan the Man. Keep flooding the prayer waves. We love you. Blessings to all of you.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Somehow I cannot title this entry (due to the computer, not my mind, though my mind is a bit fried)If I was to title it , it may be "GOOD NEWS BUT NO CHEMO". And yes, no chemo yet. Tomorrow. LORD willing. Lots of doctors have examined Dan today and asked lots of questions.
The MRI was clean(negative). Yea!
His hemoglobin came up to 10.2 after 4 units of blood, Yea!
No more diarrhea. Yea!
He got to eat today. Yea!
He took a shower. Yea!
His lab values look better. Yea!
Hopefully they will let him sleep tonight. Yea!
Dan is very tired (a combination of many factors) and when we get home we need to make sure no one sick comes in contact with him. Pray that we will be able to keep him from exposure to any infectious people.
We are so thankful for all your love and prayers. We need them very much.
Blessings to you dear ones. Maintain prayer stations!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day 17

Dear Army of Warring Prayers: Carry on the good work! Dan's endoscopy looked great - no active bleeding and the stent is in place. One unit of blood is in and Dan is getting and MRI of his head and spine. Let us pray it is clean. One more unit of blood tonight and tomorrow round 1 of chemo. Please pray we can get some of this tumor combating juice into his body and start destroying all these nasty cancer cells. Dan already seems better after his one unit of blood and his lab work looks much better today than yesterday. Thank you LORD!

here at stanford

quick update: Dan will have an endoscopy at 4pm, 1-2 units of blood (prob.2) and start chemo (prob tomorrow). he is tired and weak due to low blood count. pray on team daniel. love you all

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Dan's fireworks

Dear ones, just got back from the ER in Lodi. Dan had bloody diarrhea today (did you really want all these details?) and we needed to check his blood count which turned out to be a little lower but not emergent. His potassium did go down to a level requiring IV replacement so he is there getting that and Bob and I are sleeping tonight in prep for driving him to Stanford tomorrow early in the A.M.. Ashley is holding fort with him tonight since she can sleep on the way tomorrow. It does help to have a dad who is a local doctor and a good friend as his local primary. Thank you Karen and ER staff. Good news is that his bilirubin is down and his liver function enzymes are fairly normal. We praise the LORD for those small blessings. Please pray for Dan tomorrow that the chemotherapy will KILL all those cancer cells and they will be removed from his body ASAP.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

dan's entry for today

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Chemo begins Thursday!
Current mood: optimistic
Category: Life

The official unofficial diagnosis is carcinoma probably of neuro-endocrine origin. It's not really a classical case of anything, so that's why it's 'unofficial'. However, the doctors are really optimistic that the treatment will be both effective and tolerable. I'm just excited to get the ball rolling on this.

Chemo will probably be difficult, lame, not altogether fun, but it's better than sitting and waiting.

And guess what? God is still good! I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I pray that I will be used for great things through this time, in ways only God can. I am otherwise incapable, just a feeble human being with limitations and flaws. But that's all God has to use, isn't it? That's how awesome He is.

More to come when more has come.


The road home………….

We are leaving Stanford and I am writing my blog to copy to the blogsite when I get home to save time. I know you are all awaiting a report on Dan so here goes:
Dan was discharged from the hospital after recovering just fine from his ERCP (biliary stent placement). His morning labs showed that his bili is still high and the dr. wants him to wait until Thursday to begin the chemotherapy. So we will head back here Thursday morning. The drugs will cause a bevy of side effects. As we prepare psychologically for the coming weeks pray for Dan to be able to handle the side effects and most of all for the chemo to be effective in KILLING the cancer cells COMPLETELY! He is scheduled to complete 4 series of chemo 3 weeks apart. We will have some preliminary results of the effectiveness after the second round of chemo. Pray.
Stress level: high
Faith level: higher
God’ s power and love: highest

Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday 7.2.07 at 6:00pm

We are in the waiting room, waiting for Dan to get out of the recovery room. He tolerated the procedure well and there was compression on his biliary duct by a mass in his liver, so as it turns out the procedure was a necessary one. He will be here overnight and we have a tentative chemotherapy appointment tomorrow at 2 pm. depending on the outcome of his labs in the morning. Dan is the most courageous and honest young man. He is handling this with such grace. Fight on prayer warriors. He deserves our best effort.

breaking news

just got a call from the dr; we are heading to Stanford shortly for Dan to have the biliary stent put in; the dr. thinks it is a neuroendocrine tumor and wants Dan's bilirubin to come down before treatment begins; treatment will happen tuesday or thursday; treatment meaning chemotherapy; next update will be from Stanford; they have an internet access which is great; my love to you all, keep praying my dear prayer warriors; you are very much needed in this fight! Psalm 19

Sunday, July 1, 2007

sunday eve

A quick note as it is late: we went to the service and Dan received prayer for healing and we are leaving the results to the Great Physician. We are trusting that He is Jehovah Rapha, the LORD our Healer, and will accomplish His perfect plans and purposes for His child, Daniel whom He loves with a perfect love. Join us in interceding for Dan.