Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ashley's summer school "journal"

Summer School
Current mood: hopeful

I can hardly believe that it is almost August. Just a few weeks and school will be beginning again. Though I've been excited about nursing school from the moment I held that acceptance letter in my hand, I must admit I haven't thought a whole lot about it this summer. I'm ready, don't get me wrong, and thrilled to wear that white uniform and learn how to nurse people back to health. It will be a joy to be educated by professors who love nursing and love Christ even more. I'm even looking forward to early morning clinicals. Yet, I have realized that "nursing school" has already begun for me this summer...

I have learned how to take blood pressure manually, and that taking a patient's blood pressure while they watch a baseball player hit a grand slam can provide inaccurate results.

I have learned the importance of precision while putting in an IV and the importance of making sure said IV does not leak cytotoxic chemicals onto the patient's arm.

I have learned that a nurse must step up as a liaison between patient and doctor.

I have learned that, sometimes, moms know better.

I have learned that things as simple as walking to the bathroom can be more difficult than running a marathon.

I have learned that a bit of laughter can do far more than a dose of morphine.

I have learned that a patient is a person not a disease.

I have learned that modesty is honorable but not always possible while in a hospital setting.

I have learned that sleep is a precious commodity that should be treasured when it comes, and that it doesn't always come at night time.

I have learned that "sleeping in" and "getting up early" are purely relative terms.

I have learned the importance of responding to a beeping call light promptly, for if not answered, the call light will be accompanied by agitated loved ones.

I have learned that speaking clearly and never making assumptions are crucial to communicating with a patient.

I have learned that no amount of schooling, reading or education can completely prepare one for caring for a patient.

I have learned that there is no better way to calm nerves than to pray without ceasing.

As you could imagine, I would rather have not had to learn these things through Dan having cancer and being hospitalized several times. I'm sure he would rather me have learned through a different avenue as well. Yet, it would be foolish of me to not take these lessons and tuck them away in my heart and brain. God willing, Dan will triumph in this battle with cancer and cease to be a "patient" of mine. However, all these things I have discovered through accompanying him this summer will someday help me as a nurse. Just another hidden blessing, I suppose.

Speaking of hidden blessings, just this evening I stumbled upon the fact that I have become increasingly easy to amaze and delight. Case in point, Dan and I went for a drive around Lodi tonight. Nothing crazy or extravagant, except...Dan drove! As common and normal as this sounds, sitting in the passenger seat as he drove leaves me smiling even now. I can hardly wait to see what ordinarily ordinary even leaves me giddy tomorrow!

Please continue to pray for Dan and for the most recent chemo treatment to work. Pray that the chemo side effects will remain mild to non-existent. Pray that doors would open for him to return to Biola this fall to continue on his education and be back around his friends. Pray for healing--total and complete restoration of health. His doctor has already remarked that the cancer is responding largely to the chemo...let's just pray that that continues.
Pray that God would be glorified through all of our actions, words and thoughts through this battle.

1 comment:

the Sieglock family said...

Dear Howen family,
We continue to cover you in our prayers throughout the day. Our brothers and sisters in Christ at Century Assembly are praying too!!
What a blessing, Dan, that you are feeling better and the cancer is responding to the chemo. Praise God from whom All blessings flow!! much love, the Sieglocks