Saturday, June 23, 2007

dan's entry in his myspace page

wrote on myspace an amazing entry:
Friday, June 22, 2007

Current mood: peaceful
Category: Life

So... it's weird to say, never thought I'd ever say
this, but-
I have cancer.
Yeah, pretty bizarre. Long story short, I was at a
family vacation in Tahoe, had some crazy pains in my
stomach, went to the hospital, no one could really
figure out what was exactly wrong with me, (I felt
like an episode of House).

Turns out it's called hepatoblastoma, (hepato- liver,
blast- cell, oma- tumor).
It's malignant (bad- the hurty kind of tumor, not
but premature (good- it's not fully developed, so it's
easier to get rid of),
and very treatable (good).
I'm not dying, don't worry.
Another interesting thing is this type of cancer is
mostly found in infants 1-3 years old, and in and of
itself is rare. So for it to be in me is REALLY rare.
I'm just that special ;)

I'm still waiting on results from the hospital to see
what kind of treatment I'm gonna need, but the good
news is a) I'm home and b) I can eat food (they kept
me from food for a long time, and I was really bummed
about that).

God is good, and I've left all worrying up to Him.
He's in control, and I'm letting Him lead the way.
I've been used to waiting on Him and leaning on Him
(like for a job this summer, which, by the way, those
plans are pretty much shot now). There's a massive
prayer army praying right now, and if you want to
enlist, go for it. The thing I want most out of this
is for God's glory to be shown, and He has already
done as such.

I'll be letting people know more information as it
comes, and my mom, in her momness, has set up a blog
at I'll try to
update on here, facebook too, or maybe I'll make a
podcast, or set up a weekly update show on CNN.

Any questions, send me a message or email. Cool

1 comment:

j.howen said...

did someone give that to youuuu??????