Tuesday, June 26, 2007

waiting is hard

this is Dan's blog of the day. I will add more later:

date - Sort of
Current mood: disappointed
Category: Life

SO here's an update from today (6-26-07).

We went to Stanford Medical Center, hoping to get some more definite results/feedback so we can get some treatment underway. Today happened to be the day the tumor board meets (basically a bunch of doctors put their heads together about different cases to try and get the best possible diagnosis), so we were expecting some news.

Turns out this expert guy looked at the info and was like, 'that's not hepatoblastoma (what the tentative diagnosis was), it's neuroendocrine.'
So that's different.

Anyway, it's still rare, although now it's not the infant cancer. That would have made for a more interesting story, but you know what, I don't really need an interesting story. I'd really like to just get this figured out and dealt with.

Here are the complications with that: I was admitted to Sutter in Sacramento for a few days, and they took a biopsy, resulting three blocks of tissue. Sutter sent block #2 to Houston (thinking it was hepatoblastoma, since Houston is generally a really good place for that). Stanford wants a sample (since they'll be working on me). However, Sutter doesn't want to release any more blocks in case they run out until they get block #2 back from Houston. Well, Houston just got the sample today, and they haven't given their diagnosis on it yet. So Houston has to do that, then give their opinion and sample back to Sutter, who will then send one to Stanford, who will then do their diagnosing, and THEN we can get a gameplan on some type of chemotherapy treatment.
Long story short: it's a waiting game for now.

Good thing about possible chemo options is that I am a young healthy man, so I'll be able to handle more than say, an older, less healthy person.

God is still good, still in control, still my rock and redeemer. Keep praying for:
-Accurate (and speedy) diagnosis from the doctors
-Peace and calm for everyone
-Adjusting to a new life situation

Mad kudos go out to my parents, who have been working hard to get me good treatment. At times I think they worry too much, but I'm realizing it's different for me than it is for them. My mom has amassed a huge prayer army, extending into various parts of the country (and the world). Kudos also go out to Ashley, my wonderful girlfriend, who has been with me and my parents being a fantastic help.

Anyway, I'll let you know when I have a more definite diagnosis.
Love you guys,


Uncle Phil said...

Dear Dan -

I don't know how to express in words the twilight zonish feelings I have about your situation. Just know that the Abrams are in your corner and are sending our love, prayers, and energy to you and your family.


Uncle Phil

Unknown said...

we are in this together. Waiting is a word i know all too well. But with the strength of your family and friends you and I will make it through this difficult time. The Henriques-Riegert clan is behind you...with love, Aunt Leslie

I have been thinking about you all the time. Our family is going through such horrendous times,we are just lucky that it can bring us all closer together. I am going to come visit soon so I can give you a big cousinly hug. I love you.