Thursday, January 14, 2010


Thurs A.M.
A few developments and prayer requests:
Dan's incision has developed an infection which is not too unexpected due to the amount of time his belly was open. So Dr. P came and opened it, drained it, flushed it, cultured it, packed & dressed it and then an intern had to come and do it all over again (wrong swab?) I enjoyed assisting while Ashley held the pt's hand.
Gastric emptying and nausea and vomiting still a problem. Dan is eating one bite, taking a walk, another bite, wait, taking it slow.
Sleep is better now they are in a private room, but I am sure they are both very tired.
Lab values are still a bit off
I would ask for encouragement and strength to endure for all.
I am heading to Lodi today. Be back on Saturday.
Leaving Dan in great hands - Jesus, Ashley and Stanford docs, rns, cnas

Words from Dan on facebook: progress is tough. dangit. improving though

Ashley's last blog:
wednesday, january 13, 2010

We're really tired and hopefully going to sleep soon. So, this will be a quick update.

After throwing up twice last night, Dan has felt better all day. The Toradol really seems to be working for him, to help him move and breathe as he should. He's had to take it easy on the liquids today, so he's hoping things begin to digest as they should tomorrow.

Apparently speaking your mind does help sometimes. Guest services returned and gave us a blanket, tote bag and parking pass as a sign of their appreciation. The best part of the day, though, was moving to his private room. It's bigger so I can sleep on a chair actually made for sleeping. Additionally, it should mean fewer interruptions in the night so Dan (and I) can get some rest.

Dan has had a low-grade fever all day. We thought it went away earlier, but now it's back a little higher. Ugh. Hopefully, it is not indicative of any infectious processes. Labs will help explain it in the morning.

Today was a blessing, though. Dan was lucid and happy and smiling. Amazing what pain control can do. I missed my husband these past few days. So glad he's coming back.

Prayer Requests:
* Fever breaks, remains gone and is NOT due to an infection
* Incision begins to heal more quickly and does NOT become infected
* Strength and endurance for Dan
* Continued improvement with no further complications
* A great night's sleep for Dan
* A cooperative and functioning digestive system
* Good news!

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

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